About Us
About Us
Battle Brown founded the firm in 1994 as Manassas Consulting, Inc., a one-man strategic planning consultancy. A decade and a half later, Manassas Consulting LLC has evolved into a documentation specialties company offering building owners, managers, project planners, forensic investigators, and architects a way to communicate existing conditions and manage restoration and preservation projects to the greatest benefit of the owner and building. We are utilizing the latest 21st century technology including that developed by NASA to help you communicate clearly the needs and requirements of your restoration project. Explore our website to see some of the tools in action, and then contact us for a live demonstration of how you can use these tools delivered right to your desktop internet browser in a web meeting.
“We help buildings speak.” Battle Brown, founder of Manassas Consulting.
Letting the building talk to you is one of the most difficult things to do with existing structures when managing its long term maintenance or considering a major restoration, renovation, rebuilding, re-provisioning, or addition. Especially true in historic or preservation planning, our visual communications tools help the building speak. Whether you need a simple blueprint style drawing with building surface texture showing mortar joints or other features, a full visual inspection of facades, or an asset management planning tool that integrates with your facilities maintenance system we can help.
Whether you have contractors for a proposed project now or future generations of users and managers of your historic asset, we can help your building speak to them.
Company History
HABS • Material Loss Study • Compare Before & After • Forensic Example • Forensic Test Types • Map Based Navigation • Annotate On Image
Building Disassembly Numbering • Non Destructive Testing • 4D Time Analysis • The Building Speaks • Site Map • Terms of Use
Copyright © 2009-2012 Manassas Consulting
PhotoDrawing, PhotoSurvey, TexturPrint, The Building Speaks, and We help your building speak are trademarks of Manassas Consulting LLC. PhotoDrawings blueprint substitutes are produced using a patented process. Contact us for license information.